Welcome to the Live Oak Nursery

It is with great sadness that I announce Live Oak Nursery will be closing its doors at the end of June 2024.

It has been a great pleasure and honor to care for the most beautiful little souls over the past four years, but it is time for my family to embark on a new adventure. Thank you all for your love and support.


“At Live Oak, our focus is on helping the children develop healthy social skills and emotional awareness through respectful acknowledgment of each child’s unique experiences and views.”

Kelly Pickett Owner/Director

What We Offer

  • Screen-Free

    We follow the evidence based practice of no screen time for children under the age of two. It helps reduce overstimulation which leads to dysregulation.

  • Child-Led Free Play

    All activities are driven and directed by the children and their imaginations. We let kids take big risks and discover their individual abilities and limitations through play.

  • Home-Cooked Meals

    We provide two snacks and a home cooked lunch daily. We love to include the children in as much of the preparation and cleanup as possible. Wednesdays are Pizza Day!